Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Educational Method

Here is where things start to get tricky for our decision making.
1) Which evaluation will be best for our family?
- We are leaning towards the Evaluation by a teacher. If there is educational delays in the boys we will seek a test or psych eval., depending on what exactly is going on. Basically, we will cross that bridge when we get there.
2) What is the educational method that will suite us best for this time period?
The choices are:
- Conventional Method (Systematic) - each subject is taught separately textbooks, worksheets, highly structured, easier on time for prep
- Classical Method (Progressive) - all things brought together, listening is key not visual, K-5 Grammar Stage listening and memory, 6-8 Logic Stage analyzing, organizing, debating with help from the key facts, 9-12 Rhetoric Stage expressing and developing conclusions in oral and writing forms
- Unit Study Method (Integrated) - all subjects are covered while studying one topic, hands-on, dramas, experiencing, and experiment, teaches several grade levels simultaneously, enhances knowledge retention
- Charlotte Mason Method (Gentle) - direct teaching, firsthand experiences, observations, reading literature, child narration for understanding, retention, self-educated
- Learning Lifestyle Method (Eclectic) - family's educational endeavors and studies developed around that, there is no distinction between school and home
- Principle Approach (Reflective) - looking at everything in the purpose of God's universe for a Christian Worldview, Biblical principles, America's Christian heritage, self-education using reasearch
- Unschooling Method (Unstructured) - natural learning following the child's curiosity/interest, formal teaching only when needed, uses books and other resources
- Delayed Academics Method (Unhurried) - low-stress outlook, child demonstrates readiness, typically happens between ages 8-14 they are in a mature level to learn, the brain is ready for learning, academics balances with work and service.

I'm thinking that we have a little bit of it all going on at this point, however thinking in terms of Luk and me as his teacher I have narrowed it down to three methods: Unit Studies, Charlotte Mason, and Unschooling. There is no doubt that there will be Christian worldview being used in all levels, however in the Principal Approach I don't always agree that our U.S. is the best example of the Christian heritage.

Next up what his curriculum will look like.
Again this is coming for the FPEA Guide that was cited in the previous blog.

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