Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What Glasses Can DO!!!

I gave Luk a couple of weeks to let his eyes readjust to his glasses. I didn't want him to get frustrated with them since the left eye was getting used to actually working. He has been incredibly responsible for them making sure that he puts them in the same place every night, and for a four year old he keeps them pretty clean.

We did Explode the Code the past few days, and I am in awe. He is doing astonishingly better. He is no longer confused by "n" and "m" and he is so much more confident in his answers. He told me today that is it because he can see better. It is still heartbreaking to think that I was pushing him because I thought he wasn't trying when it was because he couldn't make out the letters. He is willing to do the work more independently, and when I am away from him he breezes through the page.

I really encourage you to get your child's vision checked. It could make a huge difference in your school day. You may find out that your child is not being disobedient, but rather is confused and frustrated because things are "fuzzy." I am even more encouraged with Luk. I was thinking that maybe he wasn't ready even though he was wanting it. So, I am confident in myself and the decision his father and I have made. He gets, he's ready, and we're all confident!

1 comment:

  1. I think I'll get Aidan's checked. I've noticed she doesn't seem to see things far away as well.
