Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The birds are chirping this morning... er... no, but that's okay

I'm in the kitchen awaiting for the toaster sound to be made that my bagel is done. You know that spring released sound. As I wait though for that to interrupt my thoughts I listen to Adie Camp's "Redemption Song" watching both my boys eat their cereal. Logan is in his own little world testing gravity, and Luk is writing down names of the patients he is seeing today.

I reflecting on my what I like to call "Meditation" album on my iTunes. Yea, an album that seriously chills me out and makes me reflect on God and me. Only He and I. It is an intimate album for me, and it get played ALOT. As it should because anything that makes me reflect of the one God, the one Man that loves me most I should engulf everyday in it. As a mom you gotta search for that time because if not you are going to leave Him hanging, and that... well, that's just not wise is it.

This morning I woke up saying my memorization verse for the week. That's strange for me, I usually wake up thinking, "Logan please stop screaming." However, taking the challenge to learn all of Colossians has proven to wake me up in scripture. It is only my first week (I'm beginning one week behind), and if this is what I can hope for every morning; I think I can handle that.

"Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Timothy our brother. To God's holy people of Colossae, the faithful brothers and sisters in Christ. Grace and Peace to you from God our Father." Is that right? Let me look, I still have three days to learn it before I recite it to Reson.

Hold on...

Colossians 1

 1Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Timothy our brother,  2 To God’s holy people in Colossae, the faithful brothers and sisters[a] in Christ:
   Grace and peace to you from God our Father.

Faithfulness to God MY FATHER will lead to grace and peace. That's a nice thing to wake up to. This new year has brought about new "resolutions" that I didn't really think I was going to start. However, for me they are not resolutions, they are convictions, life changes that need to happen for the beauty of sanctification. As my wonderful friend Jennifer remind me, sanctification is a beautiful thing. A transformation done by the only person that can Christ. He takes me, changes me, and I become more like His image.

Convictions for the this upcoming year:
- More budget maintenance  (sorry just got distracted by Logan spilling Gerber Stars all over the kitchen)
- Bible Memorization
- Weight Loss (getting back to pre-Logan weight)

Faithfulness in Christ. Immersing myself in His teachings, His commands, His love for me. As I write that my album has played "Redemption Song" again. Timing... God's timing, His talk to us through the things that we do.

Voice of mercy, breath of God
Life from life sustaining us
Earth below and skies above
Beautiful redemption’s song
Melodies like morning rise
Darkness leaning toward the dawn
Into our sorrow sings the light
Beautiful redemption song

Hallelujah, love is come
Hallelujah, God with us
Hope restored and death undone
Beautiful redemption song
Beautiful redemption song

Weeping will not last the night
Nor will sadness be for long
Joy was born of sacrifice
Beautiful redemption song

Let the wounded come and see
Empty grave and lifted stone
Sinners saved and captives, free
Beautiful redemption song
Beautiful redemption song

Next comes "Meteor Shower" and "In Christ Alone" by Adam Young aka Owl City. He's redeeming me, He's with me and I desperately need Him there, and He has saved me (sorry interrupted again because now Luk is school teacher and needed his sign hung up).

As I stand in the kitchen this all happens in a mornings span all before it is time for me to do school with Luk. "Here in the power of Christ I'll stand." I have to start my mornings right with Christ immersing my soul because if not... Mr. Doctor, Mr. Teacher, and Mr. Gravity Tester may get to be too much. =D

I'll stand in the power of Christ... in His shelter

1 comment:

  1. Stumbled on your blog because of the reference to Compassion, but I had to say hello! What a great post!!
