Friday, June 3, 2011

Calendar Binder

Calendar Time, what do you do?

Do you want to keep your dining room walls clear of school stuff?

Luk's room was intended to be his school/bedroom, however when we do school Logan likes to participate so we have moved our schooling to the dining room table as they both sit in the dining room table. While Luk does his Logan colors and does blocks, etc. Fortunately, as I was thinking about what to do with the calendar in his room that has really not going to work with Logan grabbing everything off the wall. So... as always God puts a little something in my path and with that He did it through Mama Jenn.
As she was discussing her board she brought up the Calendar Notebook, and it is more in-depth in the Meach Calendar site. Through this you can of course pick and choose what you want, and so here is Luk's Calendar Binder:

Emergency Page

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

Date Page

Days in School/
Place Values Page

Weather Graph 

Birthday Graph

Counting School Days

Tri-Fold Binder to stand up

Laminated Months, Days, Dates, etc.

Also, with needing more access to Luk's school stuff and it not being in his room, my linen closet is now more of a multi-purpose closet. Take a look:
 Note: Towels (for guests), Red Bin, White Bin, & Books (curriculum), Baby Things (Logan)

Work with what ya got!!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Dad Post

Head over to my main blog for a dad post also for some Compassion news!