Monday, January 16, 2012

one thousand gifts

one thousand gifts:
November 25, 2011 to January 16, 2012

1) Brothers, sons, below Him and His grace!

2) The anonymous gift of mulch 
for our church playground.

3) Sick baby, chill of his juice, and tears. 
Tantrums a grace warning that it's not just a common cold.

4) At the moment when your at your wits end after spending 
two days with a sick temper tantrum child; remembering your 
personal prayer for patience and hearing, "and I, find myself 
here on my knees again, caught up in grace like an avalanche, 
nothing compares to this love..." Thank you, Father, thank you!

5) The moment a hug begins, and you know you have an amazing 
thing in your arms, a person made in the image of God!

6) Handsome Smith and his updated picture...

7) Quiet morning... The soothing of a pacifier and baby; 
my baby letting me hold to the tunes of lullabies.

8) Libraries- They have walls of creativity and knowledge!

9) Two mornings in a row being asked to please 
stay in bed to cuddle from Logan. I'm game!

10) The older teaching the younger...

11) A wall of past, present, & future LOVE!

12) A friend coming on her day off to bring me 
coffee and a husband making breakfast...

13) Children's Department Christmas Party and 
walking through our Advent lessons.

14) Our kiddos

15) It finally grew back *5 yr old humor*

16) Sewing a wiseman costume for a wee one, 
thankful for my aunts' teaching me this family trade

17) Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for breakfast

18) Calm of the night, slow of the breath, joy in my heart.

19) My boys lying on my side of the bed, snuggled, 
watching Bob & Larry... What an honor to be their mom!

20) The moments when my rambunctious temper tantrum filled baby becomes 
quiet in awe of God's creation. It was a moment of incredible grace!

21) Loving his time with papa, missing our sick CooCoo

22) Breakfast with two of my boys.

23) Logan watching and listening to "Galaxies" 
saying, "it's good song!"

24) Choosing to see Him everyday- 
joy, thanksgiving, peace, grace abound!

25) Shapes- discovering, imaging, creativity

26) Creating prayer cards for Luka. Teaching 
while learning myself to diligently pray!

27) He makes me laugh.

28) Precooking and freezing my meals cuts 
dinner cooking time to 5 minutes!

29) His hands

30) no caption needed for this gift

31) Lazy, precious, always content with her momma.

32) Learning with friends

33) gathering together

34) imagining

35) becoming what you imagine

36) Building the mind

37) sharing

38) eating with friends

39) Books

40) A letter written by a boy countries away to 
my boy, the start of a beautiful relationship!

41) Using his bath towel as a blanket. Comfort, warmth...

42) Fever warning, body forcing to the bed, now sitting on my 
lap hugging like he when he was a baby. Precious moment!

43) He's ready for bed. Thanksgiving in a bed 
and room he can call his own!

44) 88 keys to play a tune

45) the crisp of Bible pages

46) smell of bread out of the bag

47) hot water- it's process

48) welcoming front door

49) the sound of the awake

50) two year old warning signs

51) caring doctor

52) committed mom 

53) a compassionate five year old

54) my new found patience level

55) my honesty

56) my ability to love

57) Luk sharing love

58) Logan accepting love

59) Reson's "worker bee" mind

60) Logan understanding

61) Logan taking medicine calmly

62) Luk caring for Logan

63) morning with no migraine 

64) Reson's listening

65) warm house

66) the smell of work

67) enough, Lord, just enough

68) peanut butter and jelly

69) soft bed

70) letters sent with love

71) caring pastor and wife

72) organization

73) prayerful husband

74) brothers/friends

75) the mess from the day

76) the stack of homeschool folders

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