Wednesday, September 22, 2010


A small group from our Homeschool Co-op went to a children's science museum called G.WIZ this is a wonderful small contained museum in Sarasota, FL. Our boys LOVED it. Everything was done in a manner for them to understand. Since the boys are only four and younger ones are tots this was a great place to go. Not only did they have great science experiments for them, but there was an enclosed area for the little ones. It was all in the same area. So, us moms could sit and chat watching the little ones on the right and the "big" boys on the left.

We are also sponsoring a Flat Stanley at our house, so we incorporated him into the photos for the day.
Here they are:

The boys and Flat Elodie begin their travels...

She was in safe hands with these three protectors

At first you just wanted to watch...

but then Luk got you in on the action!

Then it was time to watch Logan play...

He ran you over a couple of times... sorry!

We ended the trip in a 3D Art Gallery

Later, Logan involved you in some messy snack... you both needed a bath after that!

Flat Elodie comes from a French Island! How fun!

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