Tuesday, November 9, 2010


It seems that since this is a homeschooling blog that poor little Logan gets left out of the mix because he is in fact only one. However, I have to say that him sitting in and observing Luk has him on an upscale from where Luk was as a one year old.
Logan mimics really well. His favorite show to entertain him while I'm schooling Luk is "Me-Mo" aka Mickey Mouse. His favorite dance is "Ho Doe" aka Hot Dog. He will not say these "words" all the time, however it is a riot hearing say it when he wants it. He also says "mama," "dada," "coocoo" (which is my mom), and "WHOA!" LOL. It's funny hearing him say that one.

So, unstructured schooling for the young one happens at times that are just narrating through the daily life. It is fun hearing him try to say words. He has attempted thank you with "Tha tha." It is never too early to teach manners. =)

Here is my little cutie.

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